Monday, August 27, 2007

Bedtime for Gonzo

Attorney General and Memory Expert
Alberto Gonzalez announced his resignation
today...though he might not be able to
recall this tomorrow.
The President reportedly responded to the news
like he does to everything else....

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Viet Numb

In a fiery patriotic speech Wednesday, the
President demonstrated that battling on in
Iraq is just as important as it was in

If that is so, let's come home now....
for he and Dick (5 deferments) Cheney
sure showed us the way back then!
(It's easier being Mr Patriot when
sending other people to do the dying...)

Monday, August 20, 2007

"One of the best-read people I've ever met"

That's what Karl Rove
said about President Bush
in a radio interview.
And it must be true...
after all, the President himself
admitted last summer that he
had just read
"3 Shakespeares."

Friday, August 17, 2007

Express Line, No Waiting

The people of New Orleans waited and waited for help from the administration.
And many are still waiting for a safe place to live...

But some people can't wait...
they're in the Express Line!
(and Cheney's stocks are
losing value).

So there's good news today for the big money boys who hate govenment and love that free market:

The Fed has poured billions in additional liquidity into the banking system in recent days, and Friday’s rate cut marked its most dramatic effort yet.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Please, Sir, may I have some more?

In the most bizarre writings published outside the canon of
Edgar Allen Poe, The Wall Street Journal published an
op-ed saying that what this country needs is MORE
Dick Cheney!
"So President Bush should ignore Mr. Cheney's advice and the White House communications team should keep him hidden from public view, right?
Nonsense.....We need more Dick Cheney."
His low ratings have nothing to do with his leading the country on one
disastrous path after another. Nope.
"His low poll numbers are the result of his low profile." After all, quoting
Mitch McConnell, when he speaks "he has such a way of making it simple and compelling".
AND WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

OOPS, Wrong Picture!!

or it it??
The Associated Press is reporting that
Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez
is visiting Baghdad.
Perhaps he will help in the writing of
General Petreus' much anticipated September Iraq report!
(why not? when you're writing fiction,
you can't go wrong with a happy ending!!!)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Lose Your Home? Hey, I've Got Empathy!

In Thursday's Presidential Press Conference,
President Bush declared he has "enormous
empathy" for those who have lost their
homes due to foreclosure.


"if you mean direct grants to homeowners,
the answer would be no!"

He also stated that people didn't know what
they were signing and he would increase funds
for consumer education.
(After they'd lost their homes, of course).

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Wonder if this will make it to Fox News

The BBC is reporting that the Iraq
power system is near collapse....
Will Fox News find this worth mentioning?

Monday, August 6, 2007

A Farewell to Arms?

The Washington Post is reporting that the U.S. has no
idea where 190,000 weapons given to Iraq security
forces have gone.

This occurs just days after Condaleeza Rice
offered Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel even more
And yet, unaccountably, there is still no peace!!!